Starward 'Nova'
We're made in Melbourne. Not the outback. Or a sunshine-soaked beach. Melbourne is the foodie capital of Australia, full of casual brilliance. Here, we ditch the airs and graces and focus on flavour instead. That's why we use red wine barrels to mature our Whiskey. We source all our Whiskey ingredients from just a day's drive away. Then, in the wildly varied Melbourne weather, our Whiskey draws out its signature fruity, delicious flavour in just three short years. We call this elemental maturation and it's why we couldn't make our Whiskey anywhere else. Our Melburnian founder, David Vitale, grew up in a big Italian family. He's food obsessed without ever getting too serious or formal about it. And he knows our Whiskey feels right at home at those moments spent around the dinner table. Raise a few eyebrows and bring a bottle to BBQ. Pour it with tonic and watch jaws go to the floor. It's an eye-opening business, this new world of Whiskey drinking.
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